Versions Compared


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  1. Sanitize your hands


  1. Wipe down the keyboard, mouse, AV touch panel and Doc Cam if using.


  1. Login to the PC


  1. Start the AV System


  1. Load your PowerPoint or other material you wish to share on screen.

  2. Set desired projection images to display above the whiteboards for in-class viewing


  1. Start Zoom


    1. Check Audio Settings -


    1. Set desired camera view. See video

    2. Check Video Settings - turn off “Mirror My Video” if using the Doc Cam


    1. Open Participants list - check settings, Mute on Entry, and Do Not allow participants to Unmute themselves.


    1. Share your screen using the Share Screen button in zoom. Keep in mind that when in the classrooms, there are two monitors and they will show up in this screen as well. They will read Monitor 1 and Monitor 2, the numbers will also be shown on the monitors themselves, to ensure you chose the proper monitor.

    2. Remember to stop sharing the screen when you need to have students focus on the whiteboard. Having both on will cause the whiteboard to be reduced to a very small part of the screen.

    3. Record to the cloud (if you have set your meeting to auto record this step will not be necessary).  You can stop and pause the recordings during the sessions if you wish.

  1. At the end of the class, end your zoom meeting and log off from the pc.

  2. After 1-2hours (the recording should be available in Kaltura > My Media).

  3. eLC’s home page, select Kaltura > My Media and delete the description from videos. See the video

  4. Follow these steps to load videos to eLC.