Beware of ZoomBombing

Beware of ZoomBombing

Internet trolls have been joining Zoom meetings (particularly where the Zoom meeting code is publicly advertised) and sharing inappropriate material via screen share. We recommend the following settings to prevent eavesdropping from uninvited individuals.

Recommended Solution (for UGA only participants - faculty, staff & students)

  • Enable “Only authenticated users can join meetings” - this should mitigate any problems by only allowing UGA participants (MYID login required).

  • Disable “Join Before Host” so people can’t cause trouble before you arrive.

  • Enabling “Co-Host” so you can assign others to help moderate.

  • Disable “File Transfer” so there’s no digital virus sharing.

  • Disable “Allow Removed Participants to Rejoin” so booted attendees can’t slip back in.


  • Login to uga.zoom.us

  • You can either set permissions when scheduling a meeting or set as default for all meetings:

Meeting by Meeting

  • When scheduling a meeting, scroll through the options and Enable the above settings (from outlook or web interface)


Setting Defaults

  • Login to uga.zoom.us

  • On left nav bar, select Settings

  • Scroll through settings to implement the recommended solution above.

If you need to schedule meetings with participants from outside of UGA, you will need to use another option.

Alternative Solutions:

  • Require a password for Schedule, Instant and PMI Meetings - You will need to create and communicate this password to your participants. It is safe to post the password on eLC but do not post it in publicly accessible locations (ie websites, blogs, etc)

  • Disable “Join Before Host” so people can’t cause trouble before you arrive.

  • Enabling “Co-Host” so you can assign others to help moderate.

  • Disable “File Transfer” so there’s no digital virus sharing.

  • Disable “Allow Removed Participants to Rejoin” so booted attendees can’t slip back in.


More Tips to Prevent Zoom Bombing

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