

Content added to the page as a sidebar is displayed to the immediate right of the body text and to the left of the page menu. Sidebar content uses the same formatting tools and the body text - you can use headings, links, buttons, and other formatting options to customize it as needed.

To apply sidebar content to a page, enter the content in the Sidebar text editor under the Sidebar Fields + Banner Image section of the editor page.

Sidebar Personnel

Sidebar administration also includes a Personnel (sidebar) field that can be used to display a specific Terry user that is associated with a page, such as a faculty or staff member that oversees the department or program that is featured on the page. When a user is populated in this field, their headshot, name, title, email address, and phone number is displayed in the sidebar.

To add a Terry user’s information to the sidebar, enter their name in the Personnel (sidebar) field. Their name is displayed as it is typed in the field. If multiple Terry users have the same last name, as shown in the image below, you can select the desired user.