Displaying Contact Information

Displaying Contact Information

Many of Terry’s webpages list a contact for the content on the page, such as a department head or the coordinator of a program. This lets the website visitor know who to contact for more information.

Contact information is displayed on a page using the Directory Profile block, which pulls the contact’s name, title, department, email address, and photo from their directory page. Using this block is the most efficient way to display contact information, as you can change the contact employee as needed and the block will automatically update itself if the contact employee updates their contact information.

A Directory Profile block placed on page, outlined in red.

To add the Directory Profile block to a page, follow these steps:

  1. Create a new placeholder for a block. The placeholder text (“Type / to choose a block”) is displayed.


  2. Enter /directory in the placeholder. The Directory Profile block is displayed as the only option.


  3. Select Directory Profile. The Directory Profile block is placed on the page. The placeholder is still empty, but the block’s toolbar and menu are displayed if the block was successfully placed.


  4. In the Person section of the block menu, enter the name of the faculty or staff member you want to add to the page as a contact. The list of employees is filtered as you type their name.


  5. In the Person section of the options menu, Select the name of the faculty or staff member you want to add to the page as a contact. Their contact info is populated in the Directory Profile block.

    Note: You can add more than one contact to a single Directory Profile block by entering a second name in the Person section.

    The employee’s contact information is displayed on the page after the page is published. You can change the employee in the block in the future without having to delete the block; to remove the previous employee, hover over their name in the Person section and click the displayed icon.




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