Choosing a Location for a Block

Choosing a Location for a Block

Blocks can be placed in most areas of a page. Clicking on a blank area of a page in the editor displays a placeholder for a new block. This placeholder can be used to either write paragraph text, which automatically turns it into a Paragraph block, or turned into a different block type.

To change the placeholder to another block type, select it and enter / followed by the name of the block. For example, the Heading block is creating by entering /heading. The Heading block option is displayed and placed on the page once selected.

Alternatively, you can also select the Toggle Block Inserter in the top-left corner of the page editor to display a list of available blocks. Click the block you want to use to apply it to the placeholder.

This guide provides the names of common blocks that you will likely use when editing pages. Contact the Web Team if you are unsure about which block to use on a page.