Casey Commons
The Casey Commons in Amos Hall contains a large display that can fit four slides on it at once. All four presentations can be configured using the New Casey Commons Video Wall presentation.
The presentation is separated by four playlists: Playlist Top Left, Playlist Top Right, Playlist Bottom Left, and Playlist Bottom Right.
Playlist Top Left
Playlist Top Left displays a scrolling event feed. The feed contains an iframe with an API that pushes event listings. The following HTML embed script is used:
<iframe scrolling="no"
width: 1910px;
height: 1070px;
border: none;
overflow: hidden !important;
overflow: -moz-scrollbars-none;
border: hidden !important;
Playlist Top Right
Playlist Top Right is an embedded presentation. The Student Managed Fund presentation is displayed here - if changes are made to the source presentation, it will be reflected on the New Casey Commons Video Wall presentation as well.
NOTE: The Student Managed Fund presentation is not visible from the New Casey Commons Video Wall presentation. Instead, an “Embedded Presentation” message is displayed in its place. To access the Student Managed Fund, access it from the Presentations page.
Playlist Bottom Left and Right
Playlist Bottom Left and Playlist Bottom Right contain slides that are uploaded and managed by Undergraduate Student Services (the USS team members have Rise Vision access). Monica Johnson is the contact for the slides.