Respondus Exam Format Guide

Respondus Exam Format Guide

Respondus is able to import Multiple Choice, True-False, Essay, Fill in the Blank and
Multiple Answer questions. The text file must be in a standard format. You may use Word or
Notepad to create a standard text or word file.

*Do not add page headers or footers in Word. The document must only contain the exam questions and answers. Particular instructions or requests should be communicated to Terry OIT staff.

Multiple Choice, True False, and Multiple Answer Formatting

Each question must begin with a question number followed by either a period or
parentheses. Each answer must begin with a letter followed by either a period or parentheses. The correct answer needs to be denoted with an asterisk (*) before it is letter. If there are multiple correct answers, add the asterisk to all correct answers.


1) What is the capital of Brazil? a) Sao Paulo b) Rio de Janeiro *c) Brasilia


1. What is the capital of Brazil? a. Sao Paulo b. Rio de Janeiro *c. Brasilia

Essay Questions

To import an essay question, the first line must begin with Type: E


Type: E 1. Describe the winter in Georgia. a. Frequent rain an mud everywhere.


Fill in the Blank Questions


To import a fill in the blank question, the first line must begin with Type: F

Type all possible correct answers in the answer fields.


Type: F 1. If a business owns a piece of real estate worth $250,000, and they owe $180,000 on a loan for it, the owner's equity is __________. a. 70000 b. 70,000 c. 70K d. $70,000 e. Seventy Thousand


Importing Matching Questions


To import a matching question, the first line must begin with Type: MT

Each answer must contain 2 parts. The 2 parts of the match must be separated with an (=)

Spaces before or after the (=) are allowed.


Type: MT 1. Please match the correct software to its function. a. Word=Word Processor b. Excel=Spreadsheet c. Teams=Collaboration d. Zoom=Meetings

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