Transition F2F Courses to Online Delivery
Transition F2F Courses to Online Delivery
Best Practices:
- Use eLC for all components of communication, content delivery and assessment. If you are new to eLC, review these 3 Quick Tools to get your course up and running.
- Assess your equipment needs early. What do you need to teach your classes? Think about how you will need to translate the content you present face-to-face in an online setting. Will you need to work though problems using a whiteboard or similar? Do you have access to a desktop PC or laptop at home? Do you have a webcam, headset, or a document camera available? Contact help@terry.uga.edu for a list of loaner equipment available.
- Upload course content to eLC in an organized, and manner. Use modules to organize a week's work of content.
- Give each module a meaningful title, for example you can title a module chronologically (i.e. March 23-27), or use topics (i.e. Leadership) in accordance to your syllabus or course schedule.
- Avoid using sub modules and burying content.
- Streamline content, focus on required resources.
- Repeat this structure throughout all weeks/topics of your course.
- Use Kaltura to record short lectures (no more than 10 minutes per video) or link to readings, videos, graphics students can review whenever their schedule permits. This will also address internet reliability (overload) issues in case of a campus move to online.
- If you course requires group work, recommend students use Zoom to communicate live with their colleagues. You can also create discussion topics for each group. Review best practices for discussions.
- Use the eLC announcement tool to provide an overview of coming work, expectations, your plan for the next week.
- Respond to common questions in a discussion topic in eLC.
- Hold virtual office hours using Zoom.
- Create Assignments or Quizzes in eLC to assess student performance. Review best practices for Quizzes and Assignments.
- Use eLC's Gradebook to post student grades.
Important Considerations:
- USG Guides for Faculty: https://www.usg.edu/keep_teaching_usg/usg_guides
- Teaching Effectively During Times of Disruption: {+}https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ccsudB2vwZ_GJYoKlFzGbtnmftGcXwCIwxzf-jkkoCU/preview#heading=h.bsm2vj54ofq4+
- Academic Business Continuity Resources: {+}https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1VT9oiNYPyiEsGHBoDKlwLlWAsWP58sGV7A3oIuEUG3k/htmlview?fbclid=IwAR3JQFp0MDOD9_t0I5AEzF7NbNoScYhCF6l5KkBREwDuxdiJoP0fGijxfIg&sle=true&usp=gmail_thread#gid=1552188977+
- Resources for Online Meetings Classes and Events: {+}https://docs.google.com/document/d/1NyrEU7n6IUl5rgGiflx_dK8CrdoB2bwyyl9XG-H7iw8/edit?fbclid=IwAR0QB9h7IrBV8X8M7YB9IPWx5NVfKn-3ZBAsvrAcknP0hCcl-ToHt8l_w0M#heading=h.jb9co2l7jt1p+
- Do NOT Let Perfect be the Enemy of Good: {+}https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ZToLaR8rHw9ayBcTfzj_ynHqYN1vI1_r5G3GvU08wIo/edit?userstoinvite=madiede%40g.syr.edu&ts=5e5d516a&actionButton=1+
- OLC Planning and Emergency Preparedness: {+}https://onlinelearningconsortium.org/about/continuity-planning-emergency-preparedness-resources/+
- Collection of Online Teaching Resources: {+}https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1sVI7O3FrFzQFyeiYUQzsGvJWnWMxPY-NedI1kio_OpY/edit#gid=499998950+
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