Terry College Facility Information

Terry College Facility Information

Terry Socially Distanced Room Capacities

Seating in all classrooms, conference rooms and common area have been adjusted to allow for socially distanced seating. Please be sure to only use seats marked for use and do not move any furniture in any indoor or outdoor spaces. We ask that you do not exceed the posted capacities of any room or bring additional seating into spaces to accommodate increased seating capacity.

Adjusted room capacities are listed at the links below:

Socially Distanced Classroom Capacities

Socially Distanced Conference Room Capacities


Access Control

Terry Facilities will be open for the Fall 2020 semester M-Th 7am-8pm and F 7am-7pm. Access outside scheduled operating hours will be available to faculty and staff by using their UGA Card for access.

Shipping and Receiving

Mail Services will continue to pick up and deliver mail to ensure continuity of operations. At this time, we will operate a M-F 8-5 schedule of mail delivery to the Terry College of Business and mail will be sorted into departmental mailboxes in A108 as it is received.

We will receive UPS deliveries as they arrive as normal and have coordinated with our delivery driver for access. If anyone is expecting a package from FedEx please let us know of an expected delivery date or submit a request to FedEx to divert, postpone delivery, reschedule or hold.



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