How to Share Videos With a Specific Student in eLC

How to Share Videos With a Specific Student in eLC

You will first have to create individual groups (each student will have a private group) in eLC and then use the release condition to release the videos only to individuals you specify.


Create Individual groups:

  1. In your course in eLC navigate to Tools > Groups

  2. Create a new Category. Title it something specific to this purpose. For example, “Individual Video Access.”

  3. In the enrollment type, select Single user, member-specific group

  4. The Restrict Enrollments To should be “No restrictions.”

  5. Press Save

You should end up with a setup similar to the one below.


Release Videos to Groups:

  1. Navigate to the content tab and add the video to a folder in your course.

  2. As you add the new video, you can select “Hide from users” until you have set the conditional release option. You can uncheck this option after you complete the steps below. (This is an optional step)

  3. Select the dropdown arrow next to the video page you just created and select “Edit Properties In-Place.”

  4. Select “Add dates and restrictions”

  5. Select “Create” under Release Conditions

  6. Select the Group Enrollment under Condition Type

  7. And under Group, find the individual group for the person you would like to share the video with and press create. Remember to make sure the video is visible if you have hidden it in step 2.

  8. If you are sharing with multiple individuals, you may have to create multiple release conditions. You will need to repeat steps 4-6. Make sure Release conditions is set to meet “any conditions must be met” if you are sharing with multiple groups.


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