Uploading Videos From Zoom to Kaltura/eLC
Locate your videos (before uploading them.)
If you are using Zoom local recordings:
Either browse for your Zoom video files or drag and drop them to upload. If stored on your computer, they will probably be in a location like the ones below.
Windows: C:\Users\User Name\Documents\Zoom
Mac: /Users/User Name/Documents/ZoomFor details on locating your video files, see how to access your Zoom recordings.
If you are using Zoom Cloud recordings:
Navigate to zoom.uga.edu
Select “Sign in - Configure your account”
Enter you MyID and password credentials
Select the Recordings tab
Select Cloud Recordings Tab and select more > download next to the video
Option 1 for uploading:
Log in to eLC
On the initial page, from the menu at top, select “Kaltura” and pull-down to click “My Media”.
If a warning appears about the program accessing your media, then click through that.
The “My Media” area will probably already have some videos that were automatically uploaded from Zoom. You can select one and choose options such as where to publish it. You can even edit the video.
To upload a new file, at right, click the button for “Add New” > “Media Upload”.
Follow the on-screen instructions for saving and publishing the video.
Option 2 for uploading:
Navigate to http://media.online.uga.edu > “UGA LOGIN” > “Login” >”ADD NEW” > “Media Upload”.
Use the browser to find the Zoom .mp4 and upload it.
Your video will then be available in “My Media” which is connected to eLC.