Ensuring Better Video Quality in Respondus Monitor

Ensuring Better Video Quality in Respondus Monitor

Quick Tips:

  • Ensure you’re in a location where you won’t be interrupted

  • Turn off all mobile devices, phones, etc.

  • Clear your desk of all external materials — books, papers, other computers, or devices

  • Remain at your desk or workstation for the duration of the test

  • If a webcam is required, make sure it is plugged in or enabled before starting LockDown Browser

  • LockDown Browser will prevent you from accessing other websites or applications; you will be unable to exit the test until all questions are completed and submitted

  • If a webcam is required, you will be recorded during the test to ensure you’re using only permitted resources

  • Have your ID handy if required

Common Issues:
One main issue with Respondus Monitor is video “quality”. This issue is the root of several problems or errors (i.e. not being able to get through the video check before the exam, it flagging your exam as suspicious after completion, etc…).

How to ensure you have a less problematic video:

  • Correct Lighting: Make sure you aren’t in front of a window or around bright lights that can obscure the view of your face in the video. Makfe sure you have adequate lighting. Don’t take the exam in the dark with the screen as the only lighting.


  • Posture and Positioning: Make sure you are properly positioned in front of the screen. Begin and end your quiz in the same place; don’t start it sitting at a table and then move to lie down on the bed. You will be flagged for moving, your lighting may change and obscure your face, etc…

  • Facial Visibility: Don’t wear sunglasses, low brimmed hats, scarves, or hoodies that may obscure your face. Your face needs to be visible at all times during the quiz.

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