Adding Quiz to Video

Adding Quiz to Video

Allows for interactive quiz and instruction:

  • As users watch a video, a question appears at its chosen point; the video continues after the user answers the question. Depending on configuration, users may be allowed to repeat sections, skip questions, revise answers, receive hints, and discover the correct answers.

  • Practically, Kaltura Video Quiz increases engagement, tests knowledge and retention, and gathers media effectiveness data. 

  • Users can watch media segments multiple times in preparation for answering questions; and receive feedback, correct answers, and in-depth explanations when completing questions.

  • Viewing and use is supported on any digital device. 

How to:

Create lecture video first using Kaltura or use an existing video in My Media

Then edit video and add in quiz questions

Creating a Kaltura Video Quiz:

  1. Log into media.online.uga.edu

  2. Under Account (should be your name, i.e. “John Smith” on top right) go to “My Media”

  3. Click on the video you want to add quiz questions to

  4. Click the draw down menu “Actions”

  5. Select “Launch Editor”

  6. Select the “Quiz” option from the left menu bar

    1. It should look like this:


  1. Click the “Start” button


Making Kaltura Video Quiz Questions:

Drag the blue bar to the time mark in the video where you want to insert a quiz question

Click “+ Add a Question”

There will be four question options to choose from

  1. Multiple Choice (question with only one correct answer, up to four answer choices)

  2. True/False (question with binary options)

  3. Reflection Point (a video pause combined with text)

  4. Open-Ended Question (answer the question with your own words)

In the top tight corner, there is a light bulb widget. If you click it, there are two additional options. Both of these are optional additions to the question.

  1. “Hint” for giving a “hint” for the question

  2. “Why” option to explain the correct answer for the question


For multiple choice questions, the correct answer is listed first

For true/false questions, the correct answer is marked by the option with the green check. In the above image, the correct answer is “true”.

Once the question is completed, click “save”

A question marker will now appear with that time mark in the video:

This process should be repeated for each question you wish to add to the video

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