Share Zoom Links

Share Zoom Links

Sharing Zoom links is a quick way to share videos with students if you are waiting on Kaltura to complete processing. Links in Zoom will eventually be deleted (within 2-4 weeks). Kaltura is more permanent, so you will want to make sure that eventually you share the link in Kaltura instead of through Zoom.

Navigate to zoom.uga.edu

Select “Sign in - Configure your account”

Enter you myid and password credentials

Select the Recordings tab.

Select Cloud Recordings Tab and select “Share” next to the video recording you want to make available to students.

Then, adjust the link settings as shown below (our recommendation) and copy sharing information to the clipboard. (Authenticated users is authenticated through Zoom--people must have a Zoom account to open the file).

You can then paste the information in eLC via Content.

Create/upload file or link to your course.

If you choose File, it will create a new page in your course with a link for students to click on.

If you choose Link, you will just link out to the file, without creating a page inside your course. If you do this, you will need to paste the info copied from Zoom into the URL, and then delete everything before the https://.


Students may be asked authenticate via SSO to view the zoom video.

Remember, Zoom recordings will eventually disappear. For a more permanent link, link to the Kaltura video.


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