Zoom Cloud Recording

Zoom Cloud Recording

Zoom Cloud Recording and audio transcript is enabled for all Zoom accounts that are managed by Terry College. This allows for Zoom + Kaltura integration. Zoom Cloud recordings will be automatically migrated to Kaltura (accessible via media.online.uga.edu or Kaltura tab in eLC).

Important things to keep in mind:

  1. Zoom Cloud storage space is limited. Recordings saved to Zoom Cloud will be deleted in 150 days form creation or if the College nears its cloud storage maximum. Whatever comes first. You will be notified if/when that is the case but know Zoom Cloud recordings are currently being migrate dot Kaltura and will be stored there permanently. If you wish to upload local Zoom videos to Kaltura, please use the following article. Uploading Videos From Zoom to Kaltura/eLC.

  2. When the video recording and audio transcript are available in the Zoom Cloud, you will receive an email.

  3. Neither Zoom Cloud recordings nor Kaltura videos you created are visible or downloadable by anyone other than you by default. If you wish to share videos please visit these articles:

    1. https://goterry.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/BC/pages/787251207

    2. https://goterry.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/BC/pages/468713483

Accessing the Zoom Cloud Recordings:

We recommend using the Web Instructions below.



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